There is no organized or coordinated civilization left, only individual scattered survivals.
Aristocracy is gone, its function was to select.
Only those of us who know what civilization is, only those of us who want better literature, not more literature, better art, not more art, can be expected to pay for it. No use waiting for masses to develop a finer taste, they aren’t moving that way.
All the rewards to men who do compromise works.
No hope for others.
Must be those of us who are. We are none of us able to act alone. Must cooperate.
Increase production of the best, by releasing the only energies that are capable of producing it.
It is for US who want good work to provide means of its being done. WE are the consumers and we demand something fit to consume.
“Bel Esprit” started in Paris.
Ezra Pound, Paris 1922

Cultura in Atto brings it back to life in Europe a century later: to promote cooperation and mutual support between arts and artists from all over the world.
Promotion of works and artists on the related platforms.
Share of contents.
Network creation.
Bel Esprit is not Cultura in Atto, but Cultura in Atto takes on the burden of managing its bureaucratic aspects: collecting the names of the members of the project, publishing them on a page of the site and so on.
It goes without saying that in order to be considered an effective adherent to the project, one has a duty to actively apply its principles.
To quote the inspirer of the Paris Manifesto: “civilisation must be restarted”.
So let’s have it restarted.