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Giuseppe Mazzini,1805 - ∞

La vita vi fu data da Dio perché ne usiate a beneficio dell'umanità, perché dirigiate le vostre facoltà individuali allo sviluppo delle facoltà dei vostri fratelli, perché aggiungiate coll'opera vostra un elemento qualunque all'opera collettiva di miglioramento e di scoperta del vero che le generazioni lentamente ma continuamente promovono. Dovete educarvi ed educare, perfezionarvi e perfezionare.

Giuseppe Mazzini, I doveri dell'uomo, 4


Life, then, was given you by God that you might use it for the benefit of humanity, that you might direct your individual faculties to the development of the faculties of your fellow-men, and that you might contribute by your work some portion to that collective work of improvement and that discovery of the truth which the generations slowly but continuously carry on. Educate yourselves and educate others, perfect yourselves and perfect others.




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Cultura in Atto

International movement that promotes Culture in its entirety: 

Cultured Music, Poetry, Science, Philosophy, Literature...

GRAΦCA TussraheTallin. Edited and translated by AULIC 

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